Invited as a EU umbrella organisation, EUROCITIES was represented at the 10th meeting of the EUROPEAN INTEGRATION FORUM organised by the European Economic and Social Commitee on 26 & 27 Novembe 2013 in Brussels, and gathering National Contact Points on Integration, Civil Society Organisations, Migrant Communities Organisations and Local Authorities.
The title of the forum was Participation of migrants in the democratic process – Towards an inclusive citizenship” and the debates focused on the political and civic participation of third country nationals, as well as the issue of acquisition of citizenship.
Ramon Sanahuja (Barcelona) Chair of the EUROCITIES Migration & Integration Working Group intervened during the closing sessiosn of the forum on Wednesday 27 November, to present what EUROCITIES members are doing in this regard, before showing the audience the video realised in Genoa & Milan in the framework of the ImpleMentoring project.
His intervention is available below.