Embarking on the CONSOLIDATE journey
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July 24, 2024

Embarking on the CONSOLIDATE journey

July 24, 2024

With the recent surge in Ukrainian refugee arrivals echoing the challenges of the past, CONSOLIDATE has emerged as a project that responds to the needs of cities in the field of migration, building on the knowledge acquired in recent projects (CONNECTION and UNITES). This project is co-funded by the European Union. 

Working hand in hand with 12 partner cities CONSOLIDATE is at the forefront of pioneering policy pilots in:

🪂 Transforming labour market integration for refugees and newcomers.
🏡 Empowering refugees with housing autonomy support.
🙌 Streamlining one-stop-shops for efficient and accessible support services.


Who are the CONSOLIDATE partners? 

For this project, we are partnering with Athens, Cluj-Napoca, Dortmund, Fuenlabrada, Ghent, Gothenburg, Lublin, Milan, Nantes, Sofia, Vienna, and Zagreb. Alongside the cities, we will be working with our long-term partners from Migration Work CIC, and we are starting a new cooperation with the European Network of Migrant Women.


Would you like to learn from CONSOLIDATE?

This project will provide you with the opportunity to learn from experts during three online masterclasses open to all of you! These training seminars will focus on:

  • Data gathering and sharing
  • Women-centred integration policies
  • Transition from emergency response to strategic planning.

Throughout the project, you will also have the chance to become a guest city and host a delegation of the Integration Champions. This will be an opportunity to lear through peer-exchange.


Would you like to know more about the upcoming opportunities? Follow us on LinkedIn!


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