CITIES-GROW (2017-2019)
CITIES GROW provided city-to-city support through tailored mentoring schemes in four specific areas:
A. Matching buyers and suppliers: access to public and private contracts for immigrant entrepreneurs
B. Promoting appropriate migrant participation in local labour markets through partnerships
C. Services to promote and support migrant entrepreneurs
D. Anti-discrimination strategies for the local job market
CITIES GROW infographics illustrate city-to-city mentoring relationships established in the framework of this project. They summarise the strengths and challenges identified in the cities, and highlight some of the future actions.
This document gives an overview of the mentoring methodology used in this project.
Four new Integrating Cities toolkits were published in November 2018, similar to those published for the Implementoring project in 2014 and the MIXITIES project in 2012, which have proved extremely successful with cities, NGOs and the European Commission.
These toolkits collected good examples of how EUROCITIES members work in the field of migration & integration and more specifically in on the following topics:
Matching buyers and suppliers: access to public and private contracts for immigrant entrepreneurs
Matching buyers and suppliers: access to public and private contracts for immigrant entrepreneurs
Services to promote and support migrant entrepreneurs
Anti-discrimination strategies for the local job market
CITIES GROW project: Munich and Athens
CITIES GROW project: Brighton
CITIES GROW project: Tampere
CITIES GROW project: Riga
CITIES GROW project: Dresden
Mentoring schemes
Each mentoring scheme included four cities, some in the role of mentors (with experience in the given thematic area) and others as ‘implementing’ cities (identified during the project proposal stage as wanting to address a particular policy gap in their city). Activities within each scheme included:
- Study visits by representatives of each implementing city to the mentor city to see how policy initiatives are implemented, and to learn about good practices through brief presentations, site visits, and peer-to-peer discussions.
- Mentoring visits by representatives of each mentor city to their implementing partner to assist with formulating the action plan for reform and to help change attitudes locally through meetings and interviews with a range of local stakeholders.
All visits involved EUROCITIES and one expert partner as facilitator.
- Work on a benchmark for integration policies based on agreed European standards – these can be consulted in the CITIES GROW Toolkits section.
- Developing a roadmap (or ‘action plan’) for the implementing cities, with the endorsement of their public administration and involving relevant local stakeholders.
Integrating Cities Conference
Milan, 7-8 November 2018 – More info here.