Eurocities commitment to migrant integration
The Integrating Cities Charter reaffirms Eurocities’ commitment to integrating migrants and the promotion of inclusive migration policies in our increasingly diverse urban communities. The signing mayors acknowledge the significant contributions migrants have made to European cities, bringing fresh perspectives that enrich our communities.
This Charter was developed by the Eurocities Working Group Migration & Integration and the cities of Amsterdam, Berlin, Leeds, London, and Rome in February 2010. Eurocities Migration Team updated it in October 2024.

As policy-makers we will:
Actively communicate our commitment to equal opportunities for everyone living in the city;
Ensure equal access and non-discrimination across all our policies;
Facilitate engagement from migrant communities in our policy-making processes and remove barriers to participation.
As service providers we will:
Support equal access for migrants to services to which they are entitled, particularly access to language learning, housing, employment, health, social care and education;
Ensure that migrants’ needs are understood and met by service providers.
As policy-makers we will:
Actively communicate our commitment to equal opportunities for everyone living in the city;
Ensure equal access and non-discrimination across all our policies;
Facilitate engagement from migrant communities in our policy-making processes and remove barriers to participation.
As service providers we will :
Support equal access for migrants to services to which they are entitled, particularly access to language learning, housing, employment, health, social care and education;
Ensure that migrants’ needs are understood and met by service providers.
As employers we will:
Take steps where required to reflect our city’s diversity in the composition of our workforce across all staffing levels;
Ensure that all staff, including staff with a migrant background, experience fair and equal treatment by their managers and colleagues;
Ensure that staff understand and respect diversity and equality issues.
As buyers of goods and services we will :
Apply principles of equality and diversity in procurement and tendering;
Promote the development of a diverse supplier-base;
Promote principles of equality and diversity amongst our contractors.
As employers we will:
Take steps where required to reflect our city’s diversity in the composition of our workforce across all staffing levels;
Ensure that all staff, including staff with a migrant background, experience fair and equal treatment by their managers and colleagues;
Ensure that staff understand and respect diversity and equality issues.
As service providers we will (1):
As buyers of goods and services we will:
Promote the development of a diverse supplier-base.
Promote principles of equality and diversity amongst our contractors;
(1) the signatories of this charter have different public duties for the delivery of public services. Where the signatory city is the direct service provider they agree to the provisions of this charter. Where the signatory city is not the direct service provider, they agree to advocate the provisions of this charter with the service providers.




🔴Grenoble Alpes Metropole
