The UNITES Massive Open Online Course ‘Co-designing Migrant Integration in Your City’ is designed for practitioners from local, regional, and national authorities passionate about developing collaborative integration policies.
In only 5 hours, you’ll gain:
✅ Detailed guidance on creating participative integration strategies.
✅ Tools to ensure the meaningful involvement of migrants and refugees in policy design, implementation, and evaluation.
👩🎓 Start the course here
- VALUES – Integration through volunteering
- CITIES GROW – Anti-discrimination strategies for the local job market
- CITIES GROW – Matching buyers and suppliers: access to public and private contracts for immigrant entrepreneurs
- CITIES GROW – Promoting appropriate migrant participation in local labour markets through partnerships
- CITIES GROW – Services to promote and support migrant entrepreneurs
- ImpleMentoring – Engaging migrant communities in local policy making and political participation
- ImpleMentoring – Enhancing public perception of migration and diversity
- ImpleMentoring – Making participation effective in diverse neighbourhoods
- ImpleMentoring – Managing diversity and promoting equality in cities’ administration and service provision
- MIXITIES – Anti-discrimination policies (Czech)
- MIXITIES – Anti-discrimination policies (Finnish)
- MIXITIES – Anti-discrimination policies (French)
- MIXITIES – Anti-discrimination policies (German)
- MIXITIES – Anti-discrimination policies (Spanish)
- MIXITIES – Anti-discrimination policies (Swedish)
- MIXITIES – Introductory and language courses (Czech)
- MIXITIES – Introductory and language courses (Finnish)
- MIXITIES – Introductory and language courses (Spanish)
- MIXITIES – Introductory and language courses (Swedish)
- MIXITIES – Promoting cultural diversity (Czech)
- MIXITIES – Promoting cultural diversity (Finnish)
- MIXITIES – Promoting cultural diversity (French)
- MIXITIES – Promoting cultural diversity (German)
- MIXITIES – Promoting cultural diversity (Spanish)
- MIXITIES – Promoting cultural diversity (Swedish)
- Cities and Migrants – Implementing the Integrating Cities Charter 3rd Report
- Policy Statement on the new Asylum and Migration Fund Regulation proposal
- Labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers
- Cities’ Actions for the Education of Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Cities and migrants 2nd report: Implementing the Integrating Cities Charter
- Nazia Hussain Speech
- EUROCITIES statement on asylum in cities
- Cities and migrants 1st report: Implementing the Integrating Cities Charter
- ImpleMentoring – basic tools
- ImpleMentoring – city need assessment template
- ImpleMentoring – guidance for action planning
- ImpleMentoring – methodology
- ImpleMentoring – short guide
- ImpleMentoring – leaflet
- DIVE – final report Dutch ‘Steden bevorderen diversiteit’
- DIVE – final report English ‘Cities Accommodating Diversity’
- DIVE – final report French ‘Accueillir la diversité dans les villes’
- DIVE – final report German ‘Wie Städte der Vielfalt gerecht werden’
- DIVE – final report Italian ‘Le città e il loro adeguamento alla diversità’
- DIVE – final report Spanish ‘Acomodar la diversidad en las ciudades’
- INTI-Cities – final report Dutch ‘Benchmarking van het integratiebeleid in Europese steden’
- INTI-Cities – final report English ‘Benchmarking Integration in Europe’s Cities’
- INTI-Cities – final report Finnish ‘Kotouttamishallinnon arvioiminen Euroopan kaupungeissa’
- INTI-Cities – final report French ‘Evaluation comparative de la gouvernance de l’intégration dans les villes d’Europe’
- INTI-Cities – final report German ‘Benchmarking der Integrationspolitik in Europas Städten’
- INTI-Cities – final report Italian ‘Uso di benchmark nel governo d’integrazione delle città europee’
EN – How to co-design integration strategies with migrants and other stakeholders
FR – Comment concevoir des stratégies d’intégration en collaboration avec les migrants et d’autres parties prenantes ?
DE – Integrationsstrategien gemeinsam mit Migrant:innen und anderen Interessengruppen gestalten
IT – Come co-progettare le strategie di integrazione con gli immigrati e gli altri stakeholder
SP – Cómo codiseñar estrategias de integración con migrantes y otras partes interesadas
How to guide: Creating strategic approaches to migrant integration
How to guide: Building a gender dimension into integration policies & practices
How to guide: Building pathways to employment for migrants
How to guide: Setting up a One-Stop-Shop for migrant integration

The 6th Integrating Cities Report is a comprehensive look at how European cities foster inclusion and integrate migrants into their communities.
The report highlights:
✅ The pivotal role of local governments as policymakers, service providers, and employers in shaping local solutions to global challenges.
✅ Innovative practices from cities around Europe that demonstrate how they improve housing, employment, education, and social inclusion for migrant communities.
✅ Key recommendations for empowering cities to collaborate with national and EU institutions, ensuring that resources and strategies effectively address local needs.
As Europe continues to navigate the complexities of migration, such as a changing landscape of asylum, migration and border management policies brought about by the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum and ongoing global developments.
This will have a clear impact on integration prospects and outcomes at the local level, which cities will have to face as main integration stakeholders.
Previous reports
This fifth Integrating Cities Report provides insights into the measures cities put in place to integrate migrants and refugees in Europe and North America, covering the period from mid- 2020 to mid-2022. Based on cities’ self- evaluation, it charters their progress over the last two and a half years in implementing the Integrating Cities Charter.
The report is structured along three main chapters: 1) the methodology of the Integrating Cities Charter; 2) the current (political) context that shapes cities’ integration policies, with a particular focus on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic; and 3) integration actions implemented by cities in their capacities as:
- Policy makers
- Service providers
- Employers
- Buyers of goods and services
Within each of these main fields of responsibility, key trends are identified and analysed across the participating cities. Among others, these include how cities ensure equal access and non-discrimination in policies and access to services, and how they strive to make their own administrations more diverse and inclusive. The progress made by cities in this respect clearly highlights their role as political frontrunners that shape integration and inclusion policies and practices in Europe.
This fourth Integrating Cities Report is a snapshot of how cities integrate migrants in Europe and North America. It charters the progress cities have made over the last two and a half years and identifies commonalities across different approaches to integration and diversity.
The report is divided into three main chapters: 1) the context of integration in cities, which touches on the policy context at the EU level, national migration developments and the debate on migration and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in cities; 2) the methodology of the Integrating Cities Charter; and 3) key integration actions in cities. This third, and main, chapter outlines cities’ integration measures, and identifies the following key trends across all cities:
- Developing integration policies in a structured and sustainable way
- Mainstreaming integration across different policy areas
- Focusing on the specific integration needs of particular groups
- Creating low-threshold access to integration services
- Communicating openly about equal opportunities
- Implementing an inclusive and participatory integration approach
- Working towards more inclusive city administrations and procurement practices
- Participating as key actors in the EU policy context and global governance on migration
These key overarching trends paint a clear picture of cities as leaders in implementing effective and future-oriented integration policies.
This third edition of the report contains an expanded section on the institutional organisation of municipalities and local integration models.
We explored in more detail the way cities organised their departments and offices in the area of integration and the development of the concept of integration across different cities.
We also tried to underline the changes that occurred as a consequence of the refugee situation in 2015.
Moreover, more consideration has been given to the challenges encountered in each field.
Other publications

- Dutch ‘Benchmarking van het integratiebeleid in Europese steden’
- English ‘Benchmarking Integration in Europe’s Cities’
- Finnish ‘Kotouttamishallinnon arvioiminen Euroopan kaupungeissa’
- French ‘Evaluation comparative de la gouvernance de l’intégration dans les villes d’Europe’
- German ‘Benchmarking der Integrationspolitik in Europas Städten’
- Italian ‘Uso di benchmark nel governo d’integrazione delle città europee’